Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro


SBACV Mission

The Brazilian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (SBACV) is a federation of regional societies, considered by Decree-Law No. 41,473, of 05/08/1957 as a public utility association and non-profit organization, representing physicians who work in the areas of Angiology and Vascular and Endovascular Surgery and related medical specialties.

Some of its goals are:

  1. To promote and enhance the study of Angiology, Vascular Surgery, Angioradiology, invasive and noninvasive diagnostic and therapeutic methods, endovascular surgery and other scientific and professional activities that may be undertaken within its scope;
  2. To promote the professional development of its members and encourage their scientific research and publications;
  3. To defend the professional interests of its members.

SBACV Publishing Credentials

The SBACV is headed by a comprehensive Board whose members are elected by their peers every two years. Periodically, the SBACV Board meets to set targets for its various activities, such as its financial matters and its roles in professional advocacy, professional development and promotion of scientific growth. The work to achieve these goals is overseen by the President and his closest assistants from the society’s headquarters in São Paulo. The SBACV Scientific Council is responsible for preparing the annual specialist certification examinations taken by residency graduates who intend to work in the specialty.


SBACV’s management experience and the JVB
One of SBACV’s roles is to stimulate the professional development of its members and it does so through promotion and support of the specialty’s congresses and courses, and by running and financing its official scientific publication – the Jornal Vascular Brasileiro – JVB. It also designates and supports qualified experts to elaborate guidelines, which are published periodically in the JVB.

Members of the editorial board are usually graduates of Postgraduate Courses in the country (master’s and doctoral level), most are professors or lecturers at Brazilian Universities or are renowned experts in specific areas of expertise and have publication experience. The Editor-in-Chief is Full Professor at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil), has published books and book chapters  and is also a peer reviewer for other international vascular and medical journals, deputy-head of a post-graduate course and a referee of state research funding agencies, such as FAPESP and CNPq.

SBACV management and supervisory board

Please find up to date information at

SBACV high and special councils

Please find up to date information at




Last update: 2022-07-25

J Vasc Bras

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