Avaliação da efetividade do uso de meias de compressão na prevenção do edema ocupacional em cabeleireiras
Evaluation of the effectiveness of wearing compression stockings for prevention of occupational edema in hairdressers
Claudia Guimarães Agle; Cloud Kennedy Couto de Sá; Dejean Sampaio Amorim Filho; Marcondes Antonio de Medeiros Figueiredo
Background: Occupational lower limb edema is an important factor in deterioration of quality of life. Prevention involves prescription of prophylactic measures, such as wearing compression stockings. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of compression stocking for prevention of occupational edema and its repercussions for the quality of life of hairdressers. Methods: A clinical trial involving measurements of the ankles (point B) and calves (Point C) of 38 hairdressers without venous disease at the beginning and end of workdays spent wearing or not wearing compression stockings. Participants also answered a questionnaire about symptoms and quality of life in venous disease. Results: Point B measurements were: 21.1 ± 2.2 cm in the morning without stockings; 22.1 ± 2.3 cm at the end of the day without stockings (p = 0.0001 compared to baseline without stockings); and 21.2 ± 2.1 cm at the end of the day wearing compression stockings (p = 0.0001 compared to the end of day not wearing compression stockings). The comparison between point B values for the start of the day without compression stockings and the end of the day with stockings (p = 0.324) was not significant, showing that there was no lower limb edema at the end of the working day when compression stockings were worn. Improvements were observed in ratings for limitations of work activities (p = 0.0001), domestic activities (p = 0.008) and leisure or social activities performed standing up(p = 0.0001). Conclusions: Compression stockings are effective for preventing occupational lower limb edema and the attenuation of symptoms such as pain and fatigue directly contributes to better quality of life for hairdressers.
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