Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro


Volume 9, Issue 4, 2010

9(4), 2010


Letter to the Editor

Thesis Summary

Original Article
Prevalence of thrombophilia factors in patients with May-Thurner syndrome and left common iliac vein thrombosis Marcos Arêas Marques; Paulo Roberto Mattos da Silveira; Arno von Ristow; Marcus Gress; Bernardo Massière; Alberto Vescovi; José Mussa Cury Filho; Rafael Dias Vieira

Review Article
Risk factors for breast cancer related lymphedema Laura Ferreira de Rezende; Alessandra Vilanova Reis Rocha; Caroline Silvestre Gomes

Case Report
Life saving surgery for ruptured pseudo aneurysm of external iliac artery: case report Raafat Shalabi; Wagih Ouda Ahmed; Samer Mounir Soliman; Ahmed Yousof Kandeel; Khaled Mohammed A. Assiri
Resection of right external jugular vein aneurysm Eduardo Pereira Savi; Fernando Wagner; Reginaldo Boppré; Felipe Caetano Mamprim; Alberto Boppré
Splenic artery aneurysm treated by coil embolization Rafaele Maria Araújo de Sena Pino; Eduardo Alexandre Souza Gois; Larissa Gouveia Aragão; Ângelo Mário de Sá Bomfim Filho; David Campos Wanderley
Absence of the inferior vena cava: case report Elton Correia Alves; Gabriela Bóia Rocha Ferro; Luciana Karla Lira França; Mabel Batista Jacó; Guilherme Benjamin Brandão Pitta
Atrial embolism of floating thrombus of the great saphenous vein after microfoam ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy Rubens Pierry Ferreira Lopes; Robson Barbosa de Miranda; Celso Higutchi; Tiago Calheiros de Holanda Barbosa; Ohannes Kafejian
Kaposi sarcoma in the lower limbs: case report Jorge Agle Kalil; Marco Antonio Caldas Jovino; Francine Papaiordanou; Marcelo Arriaga; Marcelo Augusto Fontenelle Ribeiro Jr
Intentional placement of vena cava filters in both iliac veins: case report and literature review Daniel Queiroz Neves; Renvik Demauir Cozine Silva; Luis Claudio Rosa Arantes; Márcio Cerbazzi Tavares Cardoso; Mauro Henrique de Lima; Gustavo Petorossi Solano; Celso Luis Muhlethaler Chouin; Paulo Eduardo Ocke Reis

J Vasc Bras

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